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Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel.

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Camilla Grayson
-- membre qu'on adore --
Camilla Grayson


Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 42562145a94d1c1ad34c13c248611839421c3ff3

PSEUDO : Debbie
AVATAR : Olivia Trappeniers
CREDITS : aclotheshorse (image avatar) - sucessfulicons (pic profile) - ksevilla (icons) - belyn (adaptation code sign)
ALTER-EGO : Les 4 fantastiques: Aspen, Joel, Maxine et Luzia
ÂGE : 30
QUARTIER : 13, Willow Street avec Tristan, Ralph, Olaf et Snoopy ♥
MÉTIER : entame son dernier semestre de résidence en psychiatrie
COEUR : Elle n'a besoin que de baby Ralph

Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 EmptyLun 7 Mar - 7:25

Merci beaucoup à tous :hert: j'aime les vagues d'amour, ça fait trop de bien Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1336111789

Et merci pour la validation Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 2062519923
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Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 EmptyLun 7 Mar - 9:58

Mais mais maiiiiis, je n'ai même pas eu le temps de te souhaiter la bienvenue pour Camcam Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 454505373
Me tarde de la voir en jeu et de développer notre nouveau trio mouhahaha Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3189630431 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1487217407 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1685057867 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3430166447 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3921363240 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 879625335 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3324230760 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3391687172 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 2971448518 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1161381001 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3958802778 nuage
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Tristan Turner
Tristan Turner

Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3t5IjSVX_o

PSEUDO : blue, Angie
AVATAR : Finn Cole
CREDITS : ethereal (avatar)
ALTER-EGO : Oscar, Amelia et Joe
ÂGE : 28
QUARTIER : midtown, en coloc avec Camilla et son fils (#13)
MÉTIER : cuisinier dans le restaurant de sa tante à Saint-Albans
COEUR : tout mou

Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 EmptyMar 8 Mar - 12:22

Rebienvenue avec cette nouvelle tête bulle Elle est toute choupinette Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1336111789

Et j'avoue que je shippe déjà Camilla et Ryan, ne brisez pas trop mon coeur s'il vous plait Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3823905807

-- rain on the river
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Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 EmptyMar 8 Mar - 13:57

Reeeee à la maison Debbie chou Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1685057867
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Camilla Grayson
-- membre qu'on adore --
Camilla Grayson


Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 42562145a94d1c1ad34c13c248611839421c3ff3

PSEUDO : Debbie
AVATAR : Olivia Trappeniers
CREDITS : aclotheshorse (image avatar) - sucessfulicons (pic profile) - ksevilla (icons) - belyn (adaptation code sign)
ALTER-EGO : Les 4 fantastiques: Aspen, Joel, Maxine et Luzia
ÂGE : 30
QUARTIER : 13, Willow Street avec Tristan, Ralph, Olaf et Snoopy ♥
MÉTIER : entame son dernier semestre de résidence en psychiatrie
COEUR : Elle n'a besoin que de baby Ralph

Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 EmptyMer 9 Mar - 6:13

Merci beaucoup à vous trois :hert: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1685057867

@Tristan Earnshaw> J'espère alors que nos deux coeurs ne seront pas brisés Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 3405068066 Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 1813663382
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Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel. - Page 3 Empty

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Camilla Grayson ∩ It's not the wings that make the angel.

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