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Merci de privilégier les nombreux scénarios, pré-liens et membres des familles lors de votre inscription (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 3189630431
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(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.

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Archibald Stanhope
-- Everything in its right place --
Archibald Stanhope

PSEUDO : Red (Audrey)
AVATAR : Aaron Tveit
CREDITS : mrs chaplin (ava + crackship), tumblr (gif sign) & endlesslove (code sign)
ALTER-EGO : D. Munroe, T. Hargreaves, R. Sullivan, C. Cartwright, G. Wilson, W. Brennan, R. Dewar, M. McDonald
ÂGE : 41
QUARTIER : 52 Lilac Road (Waterfall Avenue)
MÉTIER : Propriétaire du Snow Rose Café, co-fondateur de la Fondation ACT
COEUR : Hey, dark eyes ღ

(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 EmptyMer 28 Aoû - 23:22

Hello @Madison Stanhope, le délai prend fin, normalement tu as 48 heures pour terminer (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 1685057867
S’il y a quoi que ce soit ou besoin de plus de temps, fais-nous signe (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 3391687172

(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 DAsUvpUP_o

God only knows
i may not always love you, but long as there are stars above you, you never need to doubt it, I'll make you so sure about it, God only knows what I'd be without you

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Madison Stanhope
-- membre qu'on adore --
Madison Stanhope

-- I'm a fool, but they all think I'm blind. I'd rather be a fool than leave myself behind. I don't have to explain myself to you. I am a grown woman and I do what I want to do.
PSEUDO : Terra
AVATAR : Lily James
CREDITS : Kidd (avatar) Waldosia (signature) Adele - Oh My God + Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex (Lyrics) Alcara (icônes)
ALTER-EGO : Le logicien échiquéen et "l'imagicien".
ÂGE : 30
QUARTIER : Waterfall Avenue
MÉTIER : Libraire

(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 EmptyJeu 29 Aoû - 0:50

@Mykolas Kalnietis Les repas de famille risquent d'être mouvementés, en effet. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 1813663382
Merci à toi pour ce  commentaire plein de richesse et de gentillesse. :hert:
J'espère que ses tribulations seront dignes d'intérêt.

@Archibald Stanhope Enfin, ma fiche est dûment complétée. :hert:  Mes excuses pour le retard. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 3644943631  Merci à toi. bulle


I'm your man.
don't look too far ☽ right where you are, that's where I am. I'm your man.
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Archibald Stanhope
-- Everything in its right place --
Archibald Stanhope

PSEUDO : Red (Audrey)
AVATAR : Aaron Tveit
CREDITS : mrs chaplin (ava + crackship), tumblr (gif sign) & endlesslove (code sign)
ALTER-EGO : D. Munroe, T. Hargreaves, R. Sullivan, C. Cartwright, G. Wilson, W. Brennan, R. Dewar, M. McDonald
ÂGE : 41
QUARTIER : 52 Lilac Road (Waterfall Avenue)
MÉTIER : Propriétaire du Snow Rose Café, co-fondateur de la Fondation ACT
COEUR : Hey, dark eyes ღ

(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 EmptyJeu 29 Aoû - 22:14

Il n'y a vraiment pas de quoi s'excuser (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 652387607 (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 1685057867

fiche validée
tu rejoins l'aventure !

mio Dio, mais quelle fiche (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 3823905807 J'ai savouré chacune des anecdotes... La vieille branche et le frigidaire (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 1107602502 @Edwin Stanhope et @Henrik Stanhope, je crois qu'on n'a qu'à bien se tenir (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 2871254565 Bref, c'est un plaisir immense de valider cette nouvelle perle et d'envisager de nouvelles aventures à tes côtés (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 2948893618

Quelques liens utiles pour commencer :

▽ se recenser :
logement & métier ; les victimes de la rose
▽ se lier aux autres :
poster sa fiche ; trouver des liens ; adhérer à un club
▽ se lancer en rp et entrer dans l'intrigue :
les rps libres ; partir sur les traces de la rose ; correspondre avec selene
▽ jouer au geek :
les téléphones ; instagram

Si tu as le moindre problème, n'hésite pas à nous poser des questions !

(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 DAsUvpUP_o

God only knows
i may not always love you, but long as there are stars above you, you never need to doubt it, I'll make you so sure about it, God only knows what I'd be without you

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Madison Stanhope
-- membre qu'on adore --
Madison Stanhope

-- I'm a fool, but they all think I'm blind. I'd rather be a fool than leave myself behind. I don't have to explain myself to you. I am a grown woman and I do what I want to do.
PSEUDO : Terra
AVATAR : Lily James
CREDITS : Kidd (avatar) Waldosia (signature) Adele - Oh My God + Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex (Lyrics) Alcara (icônes)
ALTER-EGO : Le logicien échiquéen et "l'imagicien".
ÂGE : 30
QUARTIER : Waterfall Avenue
MÉTIER : Libraire

(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 EmptyVen 30 Aoû - 0:49

Merci beaucoup. :hert:
Ravie qu'elles t'aient plu. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 1336111789


I'm your man.
don't look too far ☽ right where you are, that's where I am. I'm your man.
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Contenu sponsorisé
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(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time. (Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.  - Page 3 Empty

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(Mads) I can listen, ignore, and forget at the same time.

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